Huge and newest database

Find More Prospects

Reach new customers, verify emails, extend your clientbase.

Perfect Service for Salespeople and Employers


millions of business contacts


100% risk free and convienced service, that can save your time and increase company’s income easily. 


Get a trusted B2B Lead Database. We offer reliable, on-date, and verified data.

Great Results

Grow your business with us. Find new customers and employers, boost your sales!

Quick Results

Use our filter, find relevant business contacts faster, discover extended company profiles easy.

Full Support

Quick and competent technical support. Feel free to ask any question.

How it Works

Read about our service. Try it for free. It’s simple, effective, and completely legal.

What is is a great service for business acceleration. The main aim: to give you all possible new prospects, by checking and comparing of contacts of every registered participant.

Cold outreach become more effective

Bypass the LinkedIn’s limitation on profiles viewing, deal with any customer directly.

Leads generator

Discover new way of lead generation. No need to wait for long answers or approvals on Linkedin. Just choose required list of contacts and start new campaign.

Find right candidate

We also make recruitment easier, you can hunt a person with required skills and experience

Frequently Asked Questions

Got a Question?

Givemecontact is a new powerful tool, that helps to find new prospects on LinkedIn, Gmail and any B2B site. We also provide a company information and help Instantly automate your workflow.

Givemecontact credit is a one disclosed contact: email, telephone, or social/personal, depending on the plan, that you choose.

We are using completely legal algorithms for updating our knowledge base. Every our customer apply to share their contacts, so we can bypass some limitations of popular social networks and use multiple resources. For more deatailes please check our Terms. Our service is complienced with GDPR – read more in our Privacy Policy.

Yes, sure! We offer a forever free, renewable plan with 100 monthly credits. If you wish to go over limit, and extended features you can try paid plans

The average period of data renewal is no more than one year. Also we use intelligent system, that allow us to verify all input information. You can try our free plan and make sure of that.

We care about your data privacy. See all data has been collected and manage your personal, business, or company profile. For more detailed, please check our terms.

If you have any questions, please check our pricing or email us at (mail address).

Sign up in our service

You can do it absolutely free!

Fill in Your Profile

Please use real first and second name, contacts, and company information. It is important for the service accuracy.

Search, verify and enrich new contacts

You can use both free or paid plans



I was enlighten by GiveMeContact. Thank you so much! My team was not only reached our goals, we had exceed our wildest expectations so easy!

Jim Beach

CEO Marketing Story

Simple Business Solution

Our purpose to make long and difficult process of searching right candidate or customer faster and easier.

Connect to prospects

Get business and personal emails, telephone numbers and socials

Stay in touch

With our service you can stay in touch with decision-makers.

Extend your clientbase

Grow your business. Find new Global Opportunities

Large brands trust us

Speed up all processes!

Find More Prospects